Hello there,

I wanted to bring something to your attention regarding certain products and services I mention on the blog. You may come across affiliate links within my content, which means if you decide to make a purchase through one of these links, I could earn a commission. Rest assured, this won’t result in any additional cost to you.

Occasionally, I may also receive compensation for providing my honest opinions on products or services. However, I assure you that my recommendations are always based on what I genuinely believe could benefit you.

I take pride in only endorsing products and services that I trust and believe can enhance your life in some way. Therefore, if I’m recommending something, it’s because I truly stand by it.

To ensure transparency, it’s important to note that any links leading you to products or services may be affiliate links. While I am an Amazon Associate and some links may direct you there, my recommendations are not limited to Amazon.

I make it a priority to comply with FTC guidelines and disclose affiliate links appropriately.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

xo – Fey